Top 10 Things I Did Not Need for Homeschooling

Homeschooling requires a minimal amount of preparation: it can be started with a few books to read, some paper and pencils, and a few broken crayons as basic art supplies. Institutional schools receiving government funding would lead us to believe that much, much more is needed for adequately educating students. I quickly discovered that certain institutional necessities were, in fact, completely unnecessary in our homeschool setting. And so, here, without further ado, are the Top Ten Things I Did NOT Need for Homeschooling.

10. Attendance Charts, Seating Charts, Hall Passes, or Restroom Passes — We relaxed and made ourselves at home… because we were at home.

9. Lunch Punch Cards — Our lunches were all paid for before we took the groceries home from the store.

8. Hall Monitors — I could hear trouble from anywhere in the house.

7. Playground Monitors — Unless you want to count the dog.

6. Harassment Policy or That Desk Facing the Wall in the Back of the Room for the Disruptive Kid — “Don’t hit your sister,” “Don’t hit your brother,” and “Go to your room” covered it all for us.

5. Parent/Teacher Conferences — Unless you want to count talking to myself.

4. AIDS Awareness; Diversity Day; or G*y, L*sbian, Transg*nder, & Bis*xual Day — We were too busy with learning the more important aspects of education… such as how to read, write, and calculate.

3. Police Officers, Metal Detectors, or Pepper Spray — I even encouraged my students to use and carry pocket knives.

2. Zero Tolerance Policies — I possess critical thinking skills and know how to use them to analyze problems on a case by case basis.

And finally, the Number One Thing that I did not need for homeschooling my own children…

1. RITALIN! or any other mind-numbing drugs to control active children — Physical exercise was much more effective for getting the wiggles out and preparing my students to learn.

*[Unfortunately, the spelling of certain words must be altered to reduce unwanted search engine hits. I apologize for any confusion.]


  1. Lisa Jackson says

    This is my first year to home school, Alyssa is 14 9th grade and Alec 16 a junior. I was hoping we could just get through the ugliness the school year brings, but last year we had to put Alyssa on stomach medicine and Alec’s grade plummeted even though he is very intelligent, both of them are so it is hard to watch my children fade instead of grow. I have been stressed about taking on such a big responsibility, but I know I can do better. I am disabled, so I am at home and we are starting a business from the farm in which the children have had input and great ideas. Both children have ADD issues, but so do both parents so we understand and try to work with it the best we can. I have had so many questions and I believe I have found them here. I know I can do this and I am actually looking forward to it now. It will be rewarding to us all in the end. Thank you

  2. Crystal Munoz says

    I am a mother of three boys ages 6, 8, and 11. All three have been diagnosed with adhd, and are currently taking medication (which I absolutely hate). I am not stupid, but school was torture for me, and I dropped out of college with like 26 credits. With no career and my husband the only one with a job, not a great paying one either, I am perplexed. My oldest is going to finish fifth grade in June and I am terrified at the idea of him going into Jr. High. It is so scary just watching the news every morning. Monday he told me that another kid brought a gun to his school. Are there any resources to help a low-income family homeschool their children in Texas?

  3. Crystal, if your local library is a decent size, it is a wonderful resource for educational material. Also, find a local homeschool support group, they frequently offer used curriculum for free or a low cost, depends on the individual. Homeschooling does not have to be expensive.

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