Top 10 Signs You’re Doing a Good Job as a Homeschool Parent

Time is not a factor in homeschooling. Finishing lessons quickly or working on lessons all day long is not an indicator of quality in education. Here, however, are some more important signs that can show that you are doing a great job as a homeschooling parent.

10–Your children think “writing” involves more than a text message on a cell phone.

9–Your children know that the first line of the National Anthem is not “Take me out to the ballgame.”

8–Your children read without being bribed. Or threatened.

7–Your children hear about an interesting science experiment and insist on trying it for themselves, even though they already know the outcome.

6–Your dictionary never collects dust.

5–The TV news mentions a remote country and your children already know where it is located.

4–The TV news mentions a remote country that your children don’t know, and they race each other to the world atlas.

3–People notice that your children get along well with each other.

2–People ask you questions about homeschooling, and your children answer for you.

1–Your children giggle and elbow each other when people ask, “What do you do about socialization?”

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