#ThrowbackThursday: Tactile Learners

#ThrowbackThursday Gem from Tactile ArchivesAs part of Tactile Learning Week, we invite you to take a look back into the Guilt-Free Homeschooling archives. The gem we have selected as a supplement to this week’s focus is Tactile Lessons from Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan, for its profound insight into the world of teaching a child who could neither see nor hear. While few of us will have the significant challenge of teaching a child with that particular combination of disabilities, we can glean a great deal from the methods Miss Sullivan used in teaching young Helen and apply that knowledge to teaching our own tactile learners. Enjoy!

For further help on this topic, and to see the rest of the posts in the “Tactile Learning Week” series, see this link:

“Tactile Learning” topic



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