Carnival of Homeschooling

The Carnival of Homeschooling: Celebrating Autumn Edition is up at Small World at Home. Enjoy the great articles that have been shared and the awesome autumn photos!


  1. Are you done with this blog? I just found it, but nothing has been added since October. What I’ve read so far is great, and it would be a shame if you were done.

  2. No, Carrie, I’m not giving up on this blog, but I am working on other projects, too. See the “Our Books” tab at the top — and my daughter, Jen, and I have more in the works, plus speaking at conferences and workshops. While we will still be adding new articles from time to time, the archived articles (somewhere around 250 of them!) should answer just about any question you have. I do answer private emails from readers, too, if you have a specific issue that hasn’t been addressed here previously.

    The Index tabs at the top will reveal the titles (clickable) of every article in the archives; the Category links in the left sidebar will bring up the full text of all the articles in each category (which I admit, can be pretty overwhelming, hence the Index tabs). Our frequency of posting has slowed down, but our commitment to homeschooling families remains as strong as ever, and we are diligently working to make your job easier! Enjoy browsing throughout the website! =)

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