From the Mailbox: Disrespectful Kids

This is part of a series of articles based on actual questions I have received and my replies to them. Real names will not be used, and I will address my responses to a generic “Mom”; if you are a homeschooling Dad, the advice can usually be applied to you as well. The wording will be altered from the original letters (and often assembled from multiple letters) and personal details will be omitted or disguised in order to protect the privacy of the writers while still maintaining the spirit of the question. If you have a specific homeschooling question that you would like me to address, please write to me at If part of your letter is used in an article, your identity will be concealed.

Dear Carolyn,
I am trying to homeschool my children, but they do not respect me. They refuse to learn from me, simply because I am Mom. The teens do not set a good example for the younger ones. The teens stay up much too late, then need to sleep all day. We are struggling to get by on a single income and live in very cramped quarters. My husband works hard and comes home too tired to be able to help me with anything. I feel like I am doing everything by myself. Why am I doing this?

Dear Mom,
I am so glad that you have written to me. I am sure you have thought about giving up at this point, but instead you have reached out for one more thread of hope. I have that lifeline for you.

I will not pretend that I can offer a magic potion to make everything wonderful by this time tomorrow morning. The job ahead of you will be difficult, but it will be worth every drop of sweat and every tear you shed. I will list below several of my previous articles that will give you more insight into how to handle your situation. The order in which you read them and/or implement them is up to you, but I give the list as your homework. Some of the articles will address issues with your children, but others will address issues with you and your parenting role. The good news is that you can change your own attitude fairly easily.

Is this your first year of homeschooling? If so, the first year is always the toughest, no matter who you are. Do not become discouraged just because things are difficult during the first year — homeschooling becomes easier with each passing year as all family members learn the ropes and get accustomed to a new way of doing things. Students get used to having Mom for their teacher, and Mom learns the best ways to relate to each of her own children. It does not happen overnight, but perseverance will pay off.

I recommend spending time with your students, discussing and planning together for changes to your schedule for lessons plans and household chores. Shift your presentation of lessons to fit your children’s interests and help them get more excited about what they are learning. See Topical Index: Learning Styles for more help in this area.

As for the sleep schedules, are the older children staying up late because that is when Dad is home? Or are they just being undisciplined and defiant? There is no “rule” that homeschool classes must begin at 8am and be finished by noon. Adapt your lesson schedule to fit your family’s lifestyle: if Dad works a late shift and sleeps later in the mornings, you may be able to allow the children to sleep in and keep the household quieter for Dad’s sleeping habits. (I have included a link below that covers ways in which Dads can be involved with homeschooling without teaching formal lessons.) We knew one homeschooling family where the father worked a job that alternated shifts each week (week 1, days: week 2, evenings; week 3, nights; week 4, days; etc.). The Mom and children shifted their lesson times and sleep times as needed so that Dad and the children would always have opportunities to be together. It was difficult, but the relationship of father and children was more important to them than others’ opinions were, and they slept late or rose early to be able to have family times together.

Mom, this is a battle worth fighting, but the enemy is not your children. The enemy you are fighting is anything and everything that keeps your family from drawing closer together. Seeing that perspective can help you identify trouble spots more easily. Browse through the Titles Index and read anything else that catches your eye and scan through the topics covered in the Topical Index. You may especially benefit from the comfort offered in the Encouragement for Parents section.

And now, your homework assignment:
Respect Must Be Earned
Second-hand Attitudes
Meatball Education: Filling in the Potholes of Public School
Surviving the First Year of Homeschooling after Leaving Public School
Parent Is a Verb
If You Can Present Your Case with Facts and Logic and Without Whining, I Will Listen with an Open Mind
Limiting “Worldly” Vocabulary
Family Is Spelled T-E-A-M
Siblings as Best Friends
Involving Dads in Homeschooling
Who Wrote This “Rule Book” and Why Do I Think I Have to Follow It?
Homeschooling Is Hard Work
Reschedule, Refocus, Regroup
Redeeming a Disaster Day
We’re Not Raising Children — We’re Raising Adults

Am I Doing Enough?

This has to be the question that plagues homeschoolers more often than any other: Am I doing enough? At times, this question appears in my mailbox accompanied by an arm-long list of academic pursuits and supplemental activities that can make me feel tired from just reading it, while other parents are truly puzzled by where to begin teaching their children. For homeschooling parents who are organizing their own school days, there is often no guideline or rulebook for what needs to be studied when. While homeschooling is often a blessing in the way it does not depend on a specific plan, the list below will help parents evaluate their children’s interests and levels of involvement in various academic and leisure pursuits. That evaluation will help you to determine whether you are doing enough within your own homeschool.

Have you stopped to analyze why you feel your schedule may be inadequate? Do you feel you are not doing enough because your homeschooling routine takes very little time to complete each day? Do you worry that other students may be learning more than your students are learning? Do you fear that one day your students will be confronted with a situation they are not prepared to handle? On the other hand, at least one homeschooling mom has lamented that, even if she could teach everything, there was no guarantee that her students would learn everything. The way I viewed it, my most important task was to teach my students how to learn. Then I could relax, knowing that, if necessary, my children would be capable of teaching themselves anything they wanted to know — for the rest of their lives. That did not mean that I dropped our daily schedule of educational fare, but it did mean that I no longer felt I had to worry and fret every minute that my students might miss something.

Here are twenty questions to help you determine if your homeschool schedule is satisfactory and if your children are learning valuable skills. While some of the questions cover areas that are not addressed during the main academic portion of your homeschooling schedule, they are designed to adjust your perspective of homeschooling, education, and life in general.

20 Questions

It may be helpful to take this quiz multiple times, focusing your answers each time on a different child. Questions and answers should be adapted for various ages — obviously, a high school student should possess more advanced academic skills than a preschooler, and the free-time activities should also reflect the difference in ages. Please consider the use of he/his/him to be generic. This is a non-scientific quiz, based solely on personal experiences.

Score as follows:
5 points
for a definite “Yes/Nearly Always” answer
2 points for a “Maybe/Sometimes” answer
0 points for a “No/Rarely” answer

1. Is your child interested in his schoolwork?

2. Does your child have multiple interests and duties to fill his time each day (schoolwork; home chores; pleasure reading; hobbies; playing beneficial or educational video or computer games; playing board, table, card, dice games; open or unstructured playtimes not involving TV; outdoor sports and activities; and artistic or musical pursuits)?

3. Is your child able to entertain himself during free time?

4. Is your child involved in any hobbies that could become lifelong pursuits?

5. Does your child read anything for pleasure (books, magazines, comic books, internet articles, etc.)?

6. Does your child beg to keep the light on past bedtime so he can “finish the chapter”?

7. Can your child read and follow directions (directions for traveling to another location, directions for assembling a new toy or playing a new game, and directions for preparing a recipe)?

8. Does your child possess an extensive vocabulary for his age?

9. Does your child willingly speak when spoken to? Will he answer questions from relatives or friends regarding his schoolwork? Does he give complete answers using full sentences?

10. Is your child comfortable (considering his age) speaking in front of a friendly group of people (family or friends) in an informal setting?

11. Can your child react appropriately to people he does not know in acceptable situations (store clerks and sales associates, restaurant wait-staff, police, and medical professionals)?

12. Does your child play a variety of games (board & table games, card games, dice games, solitary games & group games, and games focusing on math, geography, and varied trivia)?

13. Can your child accurately handle money and make change (whether in real life or as part of a board game)?

14. Does your child help with home chores on a regular basis?

15. Does your child possess basic life-skills? Can he prepare a simple meal (make a sandwich or scramble eggs)? Can he clean himself, his clothing, and his living quarters?

16. Does your child possess basic computer skills (type with more than two fingers, control the computer mouse or track-ball, open a word-processing program and begin a document, and navigate through safe internet sites)?

17. Does your child possess basic research skills (finding a specific book at the library, finding a specific number in the telephone book, finding a specific place on a map, and using a dictionary)?

18. Does your child witness and/or assist in a variety of adult responsibilities so that he will be comfortable when faced with those situations himself (paying bills, balancing checkbook or bank account, simple home repairs or auto repairs, meal planning, making appointments, and organizing a home)?

19. Can your child take notes from a speaker? (Your pastor’s sermon is an excellent training ground for taking notes in future college lectures.)

20. Does your child possess basic religious beliefs and know why he believes what he believes? Does he know how to learn more about his faith?

Below 40 points — You need to consider doing more. Begin working on any areas where you scored a 0, and try to include your students in a wider variety of activities. If your children are very young (especially age 7 and younger), be sure they have a wide variety of playtime activities.
40-85 points — You are off to a good start. Use your score sheet to help you see where you need improvement, and do not disregard time spent away from the pencils.
Above 85 points — You are definitely doing enough! Congratulate yourself and your students on your achievements and take tomorrow off as a Reward Day. If possible, invite Dad along to share in your celebration!

[Note: a completely revised and updated version of this quiz is now available in our book, Diagnostic Tools to Help the Homeschooling Parent.]

Common Mistakes Made by New Homeschoolers

The following list contains some of the more common mistakes that are often made by families new to homeschooling. These items are in random order and are by no means all of the mistakes that could be made, nor is the existence of this list a guarantee that all new homeschoolers will make these mistakes. In an effort to help families avoid these errors, I have included links to other articles containing further help, encouragement, or explanations.

1. Doubting their ability to teach their own children

2. A. Attempting to copy the schedule, curriculum, or lifestyle of another homeschooling family
B. Attempting to copy public school classroom models for time schedules, room arrangements, or teaching methods

3. Being overly strict with schoolwork, teaching methods, and discipline, thinking that is how to avoid homeschooling failure

4. A. Leaving the house too often, due to over-involvement
B. Not leaving the house enough, due to fear or due to a too-intensive load of schoolwork

5. Trying to do too much — too many subjects, too many activities, or too many projects

6. Viewing the household chores as Mom’s Work, instead of as a team activity that benefits everyone

7. Assuming that what they may have heard about homeschooling is true, without checking into the facts: legal accountability requirements, time or financial commitment, or curriculum availability

8. Giving too much information on official documents

9. Refusing to try alternate methods or materials, even when something is not working well, feeling that changing methods will bring inconsistency

10. Giving up too quickly, instead of allowing themselves time to adapt to this totally new lifestyle (the second year is much easier than Year #1)

Once again, beginning to homeschool your children does not mean that you will make any or all of the above mistakes, especially if you attempt to tailor the academics to your children’s interests and fit the educational experiences into your family’s lifestyle (instead of the other way around). Guilt-Free Homeschooling is based in the homeschooling method which is comfortable for you and keeps you relaxed (not tense and stressful). Guilt-Free Homeschooling fits your family’s lifestyle — and there can be few mistakes in that.

For more encouragement, browse through the Titles Index for intriguing articles, or check out the category listings in the Topical Index for help with a specific problem you may be enduring.

Applying Learning Styles with Skip-counting

I have often written about learning styles and how each person can relate to material presented in certain ways better than they can grasp the same material presented in other ways. Today’s lesson is for the parent who is saying, “Okay, I understand that this child is more auditory and that child is more visual, but what do I do with that information?” I will walk you through a basic lesson for early math, skip-counting. While giving you some tips for teaching skip-counting, I will also show you how to adapt any lesson to cover each of the various learning styles. Covering all learning styles in a lesson will enable all of your students to learn the material at the same time and give each student a more complete understanding of the material being presented.

Begin by explaining the principle of skipping to your child: walk across the room with him, then skip across the room with him to illustrate how skipping covers the same distance faster and requires fewer steps than merely walking does. Explain that skip-counting is a short-cut way to count things, by using fewer steps and skipping over certain numbers to cover the distance faster.

Children love kinesthetic applications, so if the weather allows, let’s take the math outside. Use sidewalk chalk to draw a long line down the sidewalk or driveway. Now mark the line off in reasonable increments (approximately the length of your child’s foot) and number each mark to create a number line so that your child can step from number to number. Drawing this as a long row of numbered boxes (instead of just a thin line) might make the concept easier for your child to understand, as it will resemble a giant game board where he can jump from box to box. Have him stand at the beginning (make a “start” or “zero” place), then have him step or jump to the “2” place, then to 4, and then to 6 to show him the concept of counting by two’s. Can he tell you where he should go next?

Once he is able to skip-count by 2’s, you can repeat the activity by having him skip-count by 4’s. If the increments become too large to step or jump to, he can run quickly across the “skipped” numbers and stop on the desired number, shouting the number loudly as he skip-counts the increments. If numbered boxes on the sidewalk do not work for your situation, try using kitchen floor tiles or stairs, or use masking tape to “mark” a line on your floor or carpeting.

Next, shift the concept from kinesthetic to tactile by drawing a series of smaller numbered boxes on paper and have him do “finger skipping” from one number to another, first by 1’s, then by 2’s. You may eventually want to let him use some game pawns, moving them from square to square while counting off the increments.

When your child understands the entire concept of skip-counting, you can pour out a large quantity of the substance of your choice onto the table (or a cookie sheet) and allow your student to start counting objects: M&M’s, oyster crackers, dry beans, buttons, Lego’s, or checkers. Count them by 1’s until he has the idea that counting them all individually will be a long process. Now have him move two at a time and try counting by 2’s. Allow him some time to practice this concept — it can be difficult to do any task until you are used to it. After he has the 2’s mastered, then you can move on to skip-counting by 4’s, 3’s, 5’s, 10’s, or any desired increment. (Counting by 4’s is an easy concept to follow counting by 2’s, since it is just a larger extension of counting by 2’s — counting just the even numbers by 2’s. I recommend doing the 4’s before the 3’s for this reason. In the same manner, follow counting by 3’s with 6’s, and follow 5’s with 10’s.)

Another activity to help a student understand skip-counting by 2’s is to fill in a 100-chart with colored markers (adding a strong visual element). Draw* a chart of 10 x 10 boxes (10 rows of 10 squares each). Now alternate filling in the numbers: Mom writes an odd number in black, and the student writes an even number in red. Say each number aloud (here is the auditory part of the lesson) as you write them. Read the numbers over again when the chart is all filled in, alternating as Mom says a number she wrote and the student says a number he wrote — and suddenly the student is counting by 2’s! Then Mom can be quiet while he reads only his numbers aloud to reinforce his new skill. (Adapt this activity to other increments as needed for skill in skip-counting.) *Note: 1-inch graph paper is available at office supply stores in a poster-sized display tablet. I LOVE THIS STUFF! It is great for fast number charts — and hundreds of other homeschool uses. I rolled mine up and tied the roll securely with string for easier storage on a closet shelf.

Graph paper marked with five squares per inch (also available in office supply stores) can be used to make a measuring tape for math as a good tactile and visual learning aid. Cut a few sheets into 1-inch wide strips and tape them together for the length you desire. This scale is compatible with the centimeter-scale Cuisenaire Rods: 2 graph-squares = 1 centimeter, so marking numbers on every other line produces a centimeter measuring tape. I used it to illustrate multiplication and division facts by accordion-folding the paper tape into 6 sections of 8 centimeters to show 6 x 8 = 48 and other facts, but a similar principle will work for skip-counting. Fold the tape on every other number, and then read off (auditory) the numbers at each fold for skip-counting by 2’s. Adapt and repeat for other increments.

When your student has advanced to skip-counting by 10’s, draw a large 100-chart on the driveway, and your student can jump or run from box to box (kinesthetic), or have him fill in the numbers with colored chalk (tactile & visual). Do the 100-chart activity on paper with red numbers on the 10’s only (tactile & visual), but black numbers on the other squares. Then write 1-10 in a vertical column on paper, saying them aloud (auditory). Now add a zero to each number, and read aloud again to count by 10’s. Repeat, adding more zeroes, to count by 100’s, 1,000’s, 10,000’s, or as many zeroes as your child can handle.

Kinesthetic teaching tactics will involve large muscle groups: moving arms from the shoulders or moving legs from the hips. Walking, hopping, running, and jumping, and throwing, catching, and reaching are excellent ways to teach a kinesthetic child. You want to have him move his entire body whenever possible. If a child is easily distracted while trying to sit still, he is probably a kinesthetic learner. If the lesson takes place while the student is seated, it is probably not a kinesthetic lesson. If you want a kinesthetic child to learn, do not try to keep his bottom stuck to a chair seat. Let him stand, let him walk around, let him throw a ball to you while reciting, if necessary, but incorporate his need for movement into your lessons. (Notice that this is not wiggling and moving around just for the sake of wiggling and moving and trying to disturb others. This is taking in information through well-coordinated muscles and reinforcing it through repeated muscular actions.)

Tactile teaching tactics will involve small muscle groups: moving hands from the wrist, moving fingers, and touching, feeling, and rubbing with fingertips. Textures, from dramatic and rough to subtle and smooth, and finger and hand movements are excellent ways to teach a tactile child. You want to have him touching something related to the lesson whenever possible. If a child is easily distracted while trying to keep his hands still, he is probably a tactile learner. If the lesson takes place while the student’s hands are empty, it is probably not a tactile lesson. If you want a tactile child to learn, do not try to keep his hands empty and quiet. Let him touch things, let him make something, let him hold a toy while reciting, if necessary, but incorporate his need for touching into your lessons. (Notice that this is not touching and fiddling with things just for the sake of touching and fiddling and trying to disturb others. This is taking in information through an acute sense of touch and reinforcing it through repetitive touches.)

Auditory teaching tactics will involve sound: incoming sounds and outgoing sounds. Speaking, singing, and humming, and listening are all ways to teach an auditory child. You want to involve his ears and vocal chords whenever possible. If a child is easily distracted while the room is quiet, he is probably an auditory learner. If the lesson requires the student to read quietly, it is probably not an auditory lesson. If you want an auditory child to learn, do not try to keep him quiet. Let him hum, let him sing, let him read his assignments aloud, let him discuss the lessons with you, let him listen to music in the background, if necessary, but incorporate his need for vocalization into your lessons. (Notice that this is not making noise just for the sake of making noise and trying to disturb others. This is taking in information through highly sensitive ear-gates and reinforcing it through vocal repetition.)

Visual teaching tactics will involve illustrations and colors: graphs, charts, and diagrams, and lots of bright, stimulating colors. Posters, maps, forms, and worksheets, and color-coding are excellent ways to teach a visual child. You want to involve his eyes whenever possible. If a child is easily distracted while listening, but is not bothered by sitting still, he is probably a visual learner. If the lesson takes place while the student has no examples to look at, it is probably not a visual lesson. If you want a visual child to learn, do not try to keep his eyes focused on you. Let him read, let him draw, let him color while you read aloud, if necessary, but incorporate his need for visual details into your lessons. (Notice that this is not looking around and daydreaming just for the sake of looking and daydreaming and trying to disturb others. This is taking in information through very observant eye-gates and reinforcing it through recalling memory-pictures.)

Any lesson can be adapted to include elements of the various learning styles. Do not be afraid to be creative in trying revolutionary approaches that seem to be unusual applications for the subject at hand. Your “crazy idea” may be the exact key that unlocks the door to learning for your students.

Goal: To Learn Equally Well in All Learning Styles!

Curriculum Choices and Shoe Shopping, an Analogy

New homeschoolers often ask which curriculum or which homeschooling method they should use. The answer can be nearly as varied as the answer to which shampoo to use or what toppings taste best on ice cream. However, I might be able to help you narrow the field just enough to make your decision easier. Join me at the mall — we are going shoe shopping.

Look at all these selections that are available! Now should just I point to the prettiest ones in the first window and say, “I’ll take those — size doesn’t matter”? No, of course not. At the very least, I need to get shoes in the correct size for my own feet, but let’s discuss this a little more as we browse.

First, I want my shoes to be comfortable: my size, not too tight nor too loose, not pinching toes or flopping at the heels. Beyond those basics, my feet need a good arch support, so I must remember to check for my personal requirement as well as general size and fit. Homeschooling materials should fit your students’ “sizes” or levels of learning. I am not using age as a factor, since many homeschooled students work at levels that may not exactly match their chronological ages or relative grade levels in school. Some students work at multiple levels, a different level for each subject — some may work at a level higher than their peers in certain subjects and at a level lower that their peers in other subjects. (That flexibility is precisely why many families choose homeschooling.) The homeschooling materials that you choose should fit each of your students — not too simple in reading level for this one, not too far advanced in math for that one.

I ordered a fifth-grade math textbook for my fifth-grade daughter, which turned out to be a repeat of material she had already learned. I exchanged it for the next higher level and found that book to be a much better fit. If we had kept the first book, she would have been flopping around in boredom, not challenged to learn new concepts. The correct book was the one that fit her skill level.

Second, I want shoes that make me feel relaxed. If your life is anything like mine, you have many things to tend to each day and cannot afford to waste time worrying about your footwear. I need to know that my shoes will solidly support my every step. I need to trust my shoes to do their job, so that I can do my job without giving them a second thought. Someone who normally lives in athletic shoes will be struggling at every step in stiletto heels. A woman who normally wears slinky pumps may be very self-conscious in chunky oxfords. If you do not feel “relaxed” in your shoes, you will not be able to do your job to the best of your ability. You will be losing valuable time focusing on the wrong issues. At the same time, you must have confidence in your homeschooling materials in order to relax and do your job as Teacher. If you have no confidence in the materials, you are “wearing the wrong shoes.”

I found myself questioning a program that used a unique approach to an old subject. The language arts material did not present grammar rules in an ordered sequence, but used dictation and copywork to acquaint students with passages from well-known authors. I became uncomfortable with what I saw as a lack of organization and structure. I wanted work boots that were ready to get down to some serious business, and I viewed this material’s approach as lighthearted casual sneakers that only wanted to play around. I lost my confidence in the material’s ability to handle the subject, and therefore, I could not relax while using it. Obviously, whoever designed that particular material was comfortable and relaxed with that approach, but it did not suit my individual taste. They were more of an easy-going slip-on shoe, while I was definitely the laced-up-and-tied-securely type.

Third, the shoes must fit my needs. Will I be on my feet all day? Do I need proper foot attire for stomping around in the barn? Will I be going hiking in these shoes? Will these shoes be taking me to special, dressy occasions? What exactly do I need these shoes to do, and can they live up to my expectations? Snow boots and bedroom slippers can both be comfortable, but they are not both appropriate in the same circumstances. Beginner packets and advanced instruction both have their places, but not at the same time for the same student. I once put both of my feet (one on top of the other) into a single clog to illustrate to a friend that clogs simply would not work for my thin feet and fallen arches. Shoes are not “one size fits all” and neither are homeschooling materials. What works well for me may be too restricting for you, and what fulfills your every desire may leave too many gaps around my needs.

We knew a family who loved a phonics program that used songs to teach certain concepts. They had used the same program for each of their children with great success. However, they had all girls and began using the program at a preschool level, but I began homeschooling my son when he was seven. The cutesy preschooler songs had no appeal to him whatsoever — he felt himself to be much too grown up for that. And he was a boy who viewed those particular songs as girly stuff. What fit the other family quite well was not at all a good fit for my child.

After size, style, and use have been established, minor details like color (or particular storybooks, for example) will have little effect on the more important aspects. Individual tastes and learning styles can be accommodated through supplemental activities. Price is another area that does not always indicate the value of the item. An expensive pair of shoes that fit like a dream and make you feel great every time you wear them will cost much less in the long run than a low-priced, uncomfortable pair that sit forever unworn in your closet. The same philosophy applies to homeschooling materials: if the Big Box Curriculum turns your students into educational sponges who soak up every bit of knowledge placed before them, then it may be well worth its high price. Similarly, a bargain book is only a bargain if someone actually reads it and learns from it — it is not a bargain at all if it sits forgotten and lonely on the bookshelf, collecting dust.

Once in a while, you may try on a good-looking shoe, and it feels right in the store, but upon wearing the pair several times, you become dissatisfied. The shoes just never “break in” and feel like a part of you. Maybe your little toe gets pinched or a strap irritates the top of your foot. Maybe the lack of an arch support begins to hurt after several hours of standing or walking. Short periods of wear are tolerable, but they just do not work for the long haul. Maybe brief, special appearances are fine, but the shoes are worthless for extended, everyday wear. Homeschooling materials can sometimes suffer the same fate: it looked great in the catalog or at the curriculum fair, and it started out working well with your students, but in the long run, the material just did not prove to be the best choice for your needs. Maybe the lessons were not as complete as you had hoped, or maybe the material advanced too quickly and left your students struggling and confused. There are times when we cannot judge every possibility without actual, regular use, no matter how comprehensive our research may have been. Sometimes it takes using a product every day to prove whether or not it can do what we need it to do. In those cases, we all have to swallow hard, admit our defeat, and let our next step be toward success as we apply the lessons learned through our own experience.

There may come a day when your favorite pair of shoes will not be suited to the events of the day. Personally, I would prefer do everything in sneakers, but there are occasions when my everyday, casual shoes just do not make the grade. Weddings or similar dressy affairs simply require something more formal. The day may also come when your stand-by favorite homeschool materials are no longer suitable for the needs of the day. Once in a while, occasions arise that require something a little different. When that happens, you can adapt to the new, special needs and keep on going. It does not mean that your old favorite was a poor choice — on the contrary, you got a lot of miles out of that material! However, now you have found yourself temporarily detoured onto a different road that merely requires a different approach. When your needs change, do not be afraid to change with them. Daring to switch may bring the very success that you and your student have been hungering for. At the very least, you may realize that what you were using before really was good, and you return to it with renewed confidence and vigor.

So which homeschooling method or curriculum should you choose? Not necessarily the first pretty one you see. As with shoes, ask for your size, try it on, and walk around a bit to see how it fits. Make sure it has the features which will meet your needs. If, by chance, you find later that what you have chosen is not the best option for you, realize that you have purchased experience, something which rarely comes out of a box or in a book. You now know, like Thomas Edison in his quest for the perfect light bulb filament, one more thing that does not work, and while you add this to your base of knowledge, you will also be wise enough not to make that same mistake again. Ahh, here is the Food Court! Let’s sit down with a refreshing beverage and rest these tired feet while we continue our chat.

If you are just starting out with homeschooling, it is normal to have no idea of where to begin. My advice is to start with only one subject during your first week and add a few subjects at a time (1 or 2 each week) until you reach your full schedule, using books from the public library or borrowing books from friends until you can confidently purchase your own. I was able to spend an entire summer planning to begin homeschooling that fall. However, by dedicating that much time to anticipation, I basically over-prepared myself: once we began, I found homeschooling to be much easier than I had imagined it would be.

How did I pick which books to use? I visited with other homeschooling families that I knew and looked at their materials. I asked what they liked, why they liked it, and whether they had any advice for me on things to avoid. I let my children look at the materials to see what they liked: what appealed to me as a teacher sometimes was in complete opposition to my children’s learning styles and preferences, and therefore doomed to failure. Ultimately, any purchases I made without getting my children’s input were wasted; even discussing catalog descriptions of books with my children proved to be valuable, giving them a sense of ownership in their own education. Some Christian bookstores now stock a selection of homeschooling materials, and internet shopping frequently offers the ability to see example pages online — neither of which was available to me when I began this process.

I tried to give thoughtful consideration to any new program before trying it with my students. Trust me — a fad that fails can actually set your progress back several steps by breaking your familiar routine, not to mention the hard-earned money you risk on expensive curriculum. I purchased a popular Bible course that was reviewed as being suitable for all ages and included discussion questions, memory verses, everything I should ever want all in one package. We hated it. I later resold it. Before changing materials, seriously ask yourself: how is this going to benefit my students? What might the consequences be if we do not like it? Could a change in curriculum actually make an important difference, or do we just need to add a few supplemental activities to what we are already doing?

There are times when you may have nothing to lose by changing methods — when the only way to go is up. In our case, I only changed materials when I felt we had no other options left — that any change would be better for us than no change. We tried out three different grammar programs in our first year before hitting on one that “clicked.” Each change brought relief from previous frustrations, so we felt like we were at least making some progress, but our final choice was devoured by my student as she eagerly raced through lessons. Any materials that did not work for us were later resold to other families who were happy to get them, enabling us to recoup at least a portion of our initial investment.

A friend of mine began homeschooling her oldest son a couple of years after we started homeschooling. She came to me a few months later with frustrations over his math book — it was much too simple for him, so he was frustrated with boredom. It was the second book that they had tried, and both books were correct for his grade level. I loaned her a book we had finished for him to try out, but she lamented that since it was already January, he would be starting over at Page One yet again and becoming further and further behind. I suggested that she have him take the weekly tests instead of starting with the lessons: as long as he passed the tests with no trouble, he should keep doing them one after another. Once he finally hit a snag and did not know the information being tested, they should back up to the lessons covered by that particular test and begin the book with those lessons. It worked perfectly! He had also been bored in his previous public school classroom and enjoyed the challenge of taking multiple math tests in a row to show how much he actually knew. When he finally hit new material, he was excited to be learning something for a change.

What about curriculum fairs? Oh, when I’m looking at homeschool materials, I need to lock my checkbook, cash, and all credit cards in the glove box or trunk of my car! The walk out to the car in the fresh air can do wonders to clear my head of the impulses to buy things. An exhibit hall full of colorful booths and a crowd of frenzied shoppers can take on a carnival atmosphere, enticing the most frugal budgeter to snatch up the last remaining item of a popular series that everyone is buzzing about. Simply walking away for a few moments will bring me back to reality with marvelous perspective. Most popular items are available from multiple vendors, so even though one booth sells out of a desired item, it may still be available elsewhere. If I find some materials that I do intend to purchase, I can always ask the dealer to hold them for me (or have a friend stand at the booth holding onto my choices for me) while I retrieve my money. I have consoled myself that paying a little extra for shipping a book mail-ordered after a conference is still cheaper than the full purchase price of the wrong book I really did not want, but bought on impulse.

Today there are so many choices available to homeschoolers that it almost becomes a harder task to select your materials than it is to teach your students. Some quick investigation into the learning styles of your students and consideration for their preferences will narrow the field to more manageable choices. Browse through online sites or mail-order curriculum catalogs, interview other homeschoolers about their choices and the reasons behind them, and look through the actual books whenever possible. Your first choice in materials does not restrict you to remaining with something that both students and teacher absolutely abhor. Some homeschoolers choose one program and stick with it for the duration; others pick and choose from a variety of sources, altering their plans to suit their developing interests. By choosing to educate your children at home, you are already surpassing the one-size-fits-all category of the public education system.

Guilt-Free Homeschooling is based in the homeschooling method which is comfortable for you. It is just the right size for your family, not overly complicated nor overly simplified. It is not too restricting, nor too undefined and vague.

Guilt-Free Homeschooling keeps you relaxed, using materials that you know you can trust to do their job, so that you can do your job without worry, fear, or guilt.

Guilt-Free Homeschooling fits your family’s lifestyle, whether you like to be up to your elbows in bread flour or up to the minute on current events. Maybe your children learn most of their lessons from textbooks — you can do it Guilt-Free. Maybe your students learn most of their lessons in the garden or in the barn or in the machine shed — you can do it Guilt-Free. Whether your family travels together or waits patiently at home for Dad to return from his current business trip, whether you make simple art projects from tissue paper or make grand trips to the latest museum exhibitions — you can do it Guilt-Free.

Choose materials that feel comfortable, methods that keep you relaxed, and studies that fit your family’s needs and desires. Get the correct sizes for your students’ abilities, and then try them on. Walk around. Jump, skip, and dance. If the materials will take you where you want to go, then relax and enjoy the journey, Guilt-Free.

And you are going to love those new shoes — I just know it!

(For further information on matching curriculum to your students’ individual needs, please see Topical Index: Learning Styles and read the articles on Auditory, Kinesthetic, Tactile, and Visual Learners.)

Homeschooling and Hotel Management, an Analogy

Homeschooling is to public schooling as homemaking is to hotel management.

Homes and hotels have several things in common: beds to make, toilets to clean, windows to wash, and floors to vacuum. But the comparisons usually stop there. Homes are filled with families, the same people day after day, year after year, and the “chores” are motivated by familial love. Hotel patrons stay there for the convenience, the hotel employees are usually in it until something better comes along, and the hotel owners are in it for the money.

Homeschools and public or private schools also have several things in common: students learning, teachers teaching, books, maps, and pencils. But, once again, the comparisons usually stop there. Homeschools are filled with families, the same people day after day, year after year, and the dedication is motivated by familial love. Public and private schools are filled with transient students who go home nights, weekends, and holidays. The arrangement is convenient for the parents (who can now fill their days with other occupations), the schools’ employees are often in it until something better comes along, and the schools’ owners are in it for the money (let’s not kid ourselves — when schools are not financially self-supporting, they close… or merge with more profitable schools).

The methods employed and the motivations used in commercial enterprises and in family homes are entirely different from each other, providing drastically different results. Public institutions are essentially emotionless corporations concerned with financial statements and product output, regardless of the personalities of their individual employees. We have all seen movies where a hotel’s concierge or members of the housekeeping staff become personally concerned for the well-being of a guest, but even when fact replaces fiction, it is a temporary relationship at best. The same comparison can be extended to classroom teachers and their students: there are some teachers who care deeply for some students, but again, these are limited, temporary relationships. Within the home and family, the relationship is permanent, day-by-day, and life-long. The motivations are not based solely on finances, and the daily methods of operating are rarely limited to strict efficiency. Families are not businesses and cannot be not run like businesses without serious negative consequences.

What it all comes down to (in my mind) is “Who’s in charge here?” Do you want to yield to the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-powerful School System that will tell your children what it wants them to know, when it wants them to know it? Or do you want to be the most important influence in your children’s lives? Here I am again, being your faithful Resident Cynic, but remember that I had children in the government school system — and we left. I saw first-hand that no matter how inept I might be at teaching, I certainly could do no worse than our local public school had already done.

Do you feel that your home has become a place that your family members only visit frequently? Have you been providing transportation to sporting events, after-school clubs, and various other school activities, but feel you know little of what your children are actually learning? Are you in charge of scheduling events and delivering mail and clean laundry, but have very little influence over the truly important facets of your children’s lives? Then perhaps you would benefit from investigating homeschooling a little more fully — it may bring the same intimacy to your household that it brought to mine. Homeschooling allowed us to stop running a “hotel” and start becoming a family.

Tactile Lessons from Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan

In studying learning styles, I became intrigued by the example of Helen Keller. Born as a normal baby, young Helen lost her sight and hearing during a serious illness at the tender age of 19 months. Trapped in a now dark and silent world, Helen struggled to communicate her desires with her family, and they struggled just as much to communicate with her. By age 6, Helen was a wild child, practically undisciplined, and inevitably self-focused. Her desperate parents, grasping at every straw of hope as any of us would, made a series of contacts which finally brought Anne Sullivan to their home as a teacher for Helen. Anne had lost her own sight for a period of several years, but also had learned to communicate with another deaf and blind woman through the manual alphabet. Those who have seen the movie version of this story, The Miracle Worker, know basically how the rest of the story progresses. My interest led me a step further, to Helen’s biography, The Story of My Life, recently restored to its original 1903 content.

The recently released volume includes Helen’s story from several points of view: Helen’s own accounts, Anne Sullivan’s notes and letters, and further reports and insights from John Macy (Anne’s husband and partner in working with the adult Helen) and other close acquaintances. The result is a comprehensive look at communicating with and educating a student who does not respond well to visual or auditory stimuli. The methods used by Miss Sullivan confirmed my hypotheses: 1) some children do not respond adequately to simply seeing or hearing lesson material but can become enthusiastic about learning through other methods; 2) certain children may need constant tactile stimuli to “break through” into their worlds of thought; 3) as educators, we should set our expectations high enough that our students have a goal to reach for; and 4) language should not be “dumbed down” for children.

Teaching the Tactile Child

1. There is a world that can be discovered beyond the average student’s visual or auditory capabilities. Visually motivated students are a teacher’s dream: put the information in front of them, and they will learn. Auditory learners pick up information simply by hearing it — with certain things once is enough, but at other times, hearing something over and over will lock the information in their minds without their ever having seen the material in printed form.

Other students have tactile needs. They may find looking at a picture book mildly interesting, and listening to a story will barely hold their attention, but pop-up storybooks with interactive mechanisms and touch-and-feel books with textured surfaces will draw the tactile learner in a much deeper way. I was never as interested in the plot of my storybook about a misbehaving kitty as much as I loved that book for its large fuzzy pictures of the beautiful black cat. I remember being disappointed that not every picture of Miss Sniff was textured and fuzzy. I still own the book, and most of the fuzziness has worn off from decades of loving touches, but enough traces of the texture remain to intrigue any tactile child. The first time I encountered a pop-up book, I found myself transported to new heights of imagination and wonder. I remember carefully and delicately manipulating the pull-tabs and slide levers, studying the mechanics of how all of these things worked. If someone else could fold and glue paper in such a way as to transform two-dimensions into glorious three-dimensional marvels upon opening the book, then perhaps I could, too. The tactile qualities of these books held my attention much longer than mere words or pictures could have.

Helen Keller could not see anything, except for extremely bright lights, such as the sun’s rays reflecting off fresh snow. Helen could not hear any sounds at all. She did enjoy many physical activities (swimming, tandem-bicycling, and horseback riding) and probably had strong kinesthetic learning abilities, but those were also hindered by her blindness — it is difficult to run freely when you cannot see what you may trip over. Therefore, with her few remaining senses as her sole means for exploration, Helen became extremely adept at feeling textures, vibrations, and movements. After Helen had learned Morse code by having it tapped onto her hand, her teacher could communicate with Helen from across the room by tapping on the floor with her shoe. Helen identified flowers and other plants (and people) by their scents, but she could also describe the physical qualities in amazing detail. Those of us who function primarily with our visual and auditory senses tend to completely overlook the tactile characteristics of our everyday lives.

2. Idle hands can mean a disengaged mind. A child who just cannot seem to sit still and stop fidgeting during lessons may suddenly relax and become an academic sponge if allowed to draw, play with blocks, or hold a favorite toy while listening. To insist that students sit still with empty hands and give undivided attention to every spoken word is to hinder some students’ learning processes. Some children just cannot do that and learn at the same time: their movement is a vital part of how they take in information. Have you ever known a child who was so attached to his blanket or his favorite stuffed toy that he could barely endure the separation required for the laundering process? That child is most likely a tactile learner. His attachment is not emotional as much as it is necessary for concentration. Visual students absorb information through their eyes, auditory students absorb information through their ears, and tactile students absorb information through their hands. Giving their fingers something to “focus” on will stimulate their eyes and ears into “learning mode,” allowing their brains to absorb information through the other senses as well.

Upon meeting the unruly 6-year-old Helen, Anne Sullivan commented that Helen’s hands were untaught and unsatisfied, destroying anything they contacted, simply because they knew no other way. Anne’s greatest accomplishment, therefore, was in teaching the hands, and through them, she taught the mind. When Helen’s hands had interesting stimuli, Helen learned. Obviously, Helen Keller’s hands were the only portal through which knowledge could be imparted to her, but those of us with tactile children can learn from her example: gain the attention of the student’s hands and fingers and reach his mind through them.

3. Do not focus on what your child knows, but focus on what you want your child to learn. The break-through in teaching abstract concepts to Helen Keller came as Helen was stringing beads. Her teacher, Anne Sullivan, had started a pattern of beads for Helen to copy. When Helen’s attempts proved incorrect, Anne removed them and encouraged Helen to begin again. After several failed attempts, Helen paused to consider her mistakes, and Anne touched Helen’s forehead and then spelled the word t-h-i-n-k into Helen’s hand. Helen quickly grasped that words could relate to ideas and intangible concepts, opening a world to her far beyond the straightforward naming of physical objects. Miss Sullivan never assumed that Helen was unteachable; she saw only that Helen was inexperienced.

Educational scope-and-sequence listings have probably done as much harm as they have done good for some not-so-average children by convincing educators and parents alike that certain benchmarks should be reached at certain ages. We tend to rely on that information more than on our instincts and become unduly concerned when our students reach those goals either before or after the scheduled date. How silly. In the immortal words of my local meteorologist, “There is no such thing as normal; there is only average.” He was speaking of temperatures and weather patterns, but in educational terms, quicker learners and slower learners combine to create the scope-and-sequence averages.

Our tendency as parents is to fluctuate between only two reactions to our children’s accomplishments: “Not yet!” (meaning “you’re not old enough to do that yet”) and “Not yet?” (meaning “every other child has already done this”). As the educators for our children, we need to follow the lead of the child who wants to take on an ambitious project, though perhaps helping him to scale it back as needed in the beginning. The child who has already learned a lesson is ready to move on, and we must be careful not to bury the student with boredom who is eager for more. Too often we can bog the student down with what we feel is appropriate to his age (or grade level) and completely disregard what is appropriate for his abilities. Working with the child to set goals will give him something to reach for, something to stretch his current abilities and broaden them into his future talents, no matter which side of average he may be.

Setting goals that are too lofty can overwhelm the less gifted student, leaving him floundering at simple lessons that have become overshadowed by looking too far into the future. Careful attention to each student’s abilities and personality will tell you when to press on and when to linger a bit longer. Scope-and-sequence guidelines should be taken as just that: guidelines — a map for the journey, but not a day-by-day itinerary. Taking longer to learn a certain lesson does not mean that the child has learned less that the quicker student; in fact, they have both achieved the same goal (learning a particular lesson), just at different rates. The slower student may actually be absorbing more detailed information than the quicker child does. Helping your slower learner to break down his goals into doable steps will give him more occasions to celebrate and prevent discouragement along the way.

While students at schools for the deaf or blind struggled with learning even basic reading and writing techniques, Anne Sullivan insisted on teaching Helen Keller at home, feeling it was a more natural environment for learning and exploring. Anne abandoned scheduled lessons and simply led Helen on daily adventures through normal life, believing that “lessons” might limit the range of knowledge Helen could absorb. Her hunch proved correct, as Helen excelled far beyond what anyone dreamed possible and far beyond any progress made by previous deaf-blind students. Helen rapidly made up for lost time by learning to “read” lips with her fingers, learning to speak audibly, learning to read five different versions of Braille and raised print, and learning to write with pencil and paper, as well as with a typewriter and a Braille-writer. Helen learned to read and speak in English, French, and German — all before she entered a private high school to prepare for college. Helen had set attending college as her own goal while still a young girl just beginning to learn and accomplished her graduation from Radcliffe College under a schedule considered normal for hearing and sighted students. I think there is a tremendous lesson for all of us in this example, whether we are homeschooling or not. We should set our goals high enough to stretch our current abilities and see what those abilities can become in the future.

4. Language is the key to all learning. Anne Sullivan communicated with Helen Keller in complete sentences, even before young Helen understood all of the words in those sentences. Believing that language would be the magic that could bring Helen out of her prison of deafness and blindness, Anne strived for communication with Helen in as normal a fashion as possible. Once Helen had grasped the basic fundamentals of the manual alphabet and understood the words spelled into her hand, Anne began reading books to Helen, spelling word after word, sentence after sentence, and page after page into the eager hand of her knowledge-thirsty pupil. The resulting success was phenomenal: Helen’s dramatic progress astounded everyone as she quickly and easily surpassed the milestones of other deaf-blind students before her.

Miss Sullivan read book after book to Helen, whose mind soaked up the intricacies of language at an amazing rate. Having learned very little of spoken language before losing her hearing as a toddler and losing even that much in the years of silence that followed, Helen’s 7-year-old mind was virtually a blank page. However, she learned the grammar and sentence structure necessary for intelligent communication through the language of the books that were read to her. Later, as her writings were published in a children’s magazine, Helen’s command of language was so comprehensive that many skeptics viciously accused her and her dedicated teacher of fraud.

Time spent reading aloud to your children will never be time wasted. Their minds can comprehend the language far sooner than their eyes can read the words for themselves. Continue to read aloud to your students as they grow older, and enjoy a variety of books: poetry, such as Robert Louis Stevenson’s A Child’s Garden of Verses; mysteries and adventure stories, such as Treasure Island; and histories, such as The Little House series, as well as such childhood standards as Alice in Wonderland and Winnie the Pooh. The beautifully rhythmic language of older books will prove far more desirable to modern tales, even if you have to stop to define a word or phrase now and then. Discussing how some words have changed meanings over time will become a fascinating supplemental lesson. Your student’s vocabulary will be increased through read-aloud time, as well as through conversation. Whenever we encountered a word of vague meaning, we grabbed the dictionary. It seldom cost us our concentration on the book’s plot and always increased our knowledge. I often used words that my students were not familiar with, but in defining a word for them, rather than not using it, the words were quickly added to their ever-increasing vocabularies.

The tactile learner will be better able to absorb read-aloud stories if his hands are allowed to keep busy. Drawing, coloring, painting, modeling with clay, building with blocks or construction sets, stringing beads, or assembling puzzles are all activities that can be quietly performed while also listening to a book being read aloud. Too many of us have been conditioned to think that a student can only pay attention as long as constant eye contact is maintained. While that technique may be necessary in a classroom with dozens of students and may be somewhat true for the more easily distracted students, it rarely applies to most auditory or tactile learners.

Exploring the world through textures and movements adds another dimension for visual and auditory learners, but it may also be the key that opens the door of learning for the tactile student. If you are not sure if your student is a tactile learner, try some of these methods and see if they make a difference. Instead of nagging a child to “put that down” or “keep your hands in your lap,” working with his constantly active hands will allow his fingers to lead his brain in the search for knowledge. Remember that the tactile learner absorbs information through his fingertips, and we should strive to give those fingers plenty of “reading material.”

For more tips on teaching a tactile learner, see Topical Index: Learning Styles.

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