Where Have I Been???

Yes, I am still alive. No, I have not been hospitalized, out of the country, or hopelessly lost in a major shopping mall parking lot. However, I have found myself in the midst of Wedding Season.

For those of you who may be new readers of Guilt-Free Homeschooling, you may not realize from the stories I share that the Guilt-Free children are actually now twenty-somethings who have both (BOTH) decided to get married. This summer. Hence my infrequent presence of late here in Blog World. I have often been swept away from the blissful solitude of my computer to assist with the myriad details that constitute wedding plans. And we are no where near finished yet. The first wedding is less than two months away, with the second to follow in mid-summer.

While I am working on fresh articles whenever I get a day here at home, please use my intermittent attendance to refresh yourselves with a trip through the archives. Re-read your favorites and look for titles you may not be familiar with. A topic that was previously of no interest to you may now fit right in with how your family has grown and changed. I still have piles of material here waiting to be blogged, so do not assume that I could walk away from this endeavor. But if I get overcome in all the confusion and start throwing rice in the wrong direction, duck.

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