Latest Developments

First, the 89th Carnival of Homeschooling, Soccer Edition is up and running at Why Homeschool? There is a TON of information there, so join me in dribbling down the midway!

Second, we’re moving! That’s right, Guilt-Free Homeschooling will soon be occupying its very own domain in the blogosphere. What does that mean to you? An easier to remember URL, for one thing, and a chance to talk to all of your friends about GFHS by reminding them to update their bookmarks. The length of time it will take to move everything is still uncertain at this time, but you can avoid any problems by changing your bookmarks now to

UPDATE: Moving has begun! If your favorite links here are temporarily out of service, it’s only because we’re still working on it all. Many thanks to Andrea of for her assistance (Who am I kidding? She’s doing 99.2% of it!). Now, where did I put that box marked Blogging Stuff and Purple Things???

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