GHFS Workshops at 2009 InHome Conference

Come one, come all! Guilt-Free Homeschooling will be leading several workshops at the InHome Conference in St. Charles, IL, March 5-7, 2009. Both Carolyn and Jennifer are planning to be there to bring encouragement, share stories, and impart bushels of homeschooling tips! Our workshop titles include Teaching *** Using All Learning Styles (one workshop focusing on Spelling, and another focusing on Math) and Tactile — The Socially Unacceptable Learning Style. Families new to homeschooling (or anyone struggling with hs’ing) will appreciate What Type of Homeschooler Are You? and Taking the Mystery Out of Learning Styles. We are eagerly preparing the best information to share with you, so make plans now to meet us there — and be sure to introduce yourself as a reader of this blog!

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