Meet a Homeschooling Family

The Frugal Homeschooling Mom, Deana Hipwell, is tackling the daunting task of introducing homeschooling families to each other — lots of families. Her blog feature, A Common Bond: Meet a Homeschooling Family, offers a quick look into the motivations and methods of various homeschoolers. This is a great way to get to know a little bit about how and why others are homeschooling, and Deana invites all readers to share their own stories through her blog. C’mon and introduce yourself! The currently featured family is… mine!


  1. One of the reasons I removed my children from public school was that my son had migraine headaches as well! Just wondering, how has your daughter been as she has gotten older? Do the headaches get less frequent?

  2. Jeanette,Homeschooling allowed us to maintain tighter control over our daughter's diet and exposure to substances that triggered her headaches. Her headaches will still return if she has contact with those triggers, but she has been able to keep the headaches to a mostly manageable level for more than 14 years now. These articles mention more about it: Start Homeschooling for One Reason, But Continue for Another and Full-Bodied Education: Mind, Body, & Spirit

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