New Developments

Yes, I’ve been absent from posting here for a while but not from working behind-the-scenes on GFHS stuff (and tending to a couple of family members who underwent major surgery).

Development #1
Cue the drumroll… my long-awaited, next book is about to hit the presses! Taking the Mystery Out of Learning Styles is an exciting addition to our product line. If you have a child who daydreams, can’t sit still, speaks out of turn, or is “grabby” and can’t keep his hands to himself (or herself), he (or she) probably needs lessons presented in a learning style format that is more suited to their abilities. Taking the Mystery Out of Learning Styles (mind if I call it TTMOOLS to shorten the typing?) includes 5,843 tips and ideas (no, I didn’t really count them, but there are a LOT!) to help you tweak your current lesson plans to fit your students’ learning style needs and help your students get ahead on the road to learning. Keep watching this blog for an announcement of TTMOOLS’ availability for purchase! It won’t be long now!!!

Development #2
Jennifer and I will be speaking once again at the InHome Conference in St. Charles, IL, on March 18-20, 2010. Our workshops this year will include Using Your Homeschooling Style to Your Advantage, Taking the Mystery Out of Learning Styles, Learning Styles Question & Answer Session, and Using Learning Styles in High School. (Are you noticing a bit of a Learning Styles theme here? Me, too.) We will also be participating again this year in a panel discussion for college-bound homeschoolers. We have a great time at this conference, and we hope to see YOU there, too! (If all goes well, we may have the first copies of TTMOOLS with us! Yay!)


  1. Is the book in printed format, or an eBook?

  2. It's printed.

  3. Congratulations on the book!

  4. Sebastian says

    Looking forward to the book. I'm trying to beef up our local library's education and homeschooling options.

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