Taking the Mystery Out of Learning Styles

Our new book, Taking the Mystery Out of Learning Styles, is a big hit! Workshop attendees are snapping it up, and online sales are taking off. Take a look at this great review:

Carolyn, I got your books yesterday!! Thank you so much. I started to read Taking the Mystery Out of Learning Styles, and I only wish I had read this sooner!!! I’m only halfway through, but it has already affected how I see the kids, it just takes on a whole different dimension seeing their behavior as them trying to learn instead of just trying to be difficult. I had no idea. Thank you so much for writing this. I am looking forward to learning more and can’t wait to incorporate some of these ideas. We will be skip counting on the driveway this week!! :)

You know, I used to just think that all those “extra” learning activities were just for moms who had too much time on their hands and that they weren’t really necessary. Now, my eyes are opened that so many things I just considered extras (the chalk drawing on the driveway, the letter tracing in cornmeal, etc.) are absolutely essential to learning. I had no idea I was missing so many teaching opportunities. I am a very visual learner, and that was the only way I was taught. My oldest son is SUPER visual, although lately has been developing some auditory tendencies as well. BUT, [#2 son] is SO kinesthetic. Obviously this is the opposite of what I am, what I have taught and the only other student that I have taught. I feel so badly for all the times I corrected him for wiggling in his chair, or standing beside his chair, he was only trying to get his brain to work!! I’m so glad I am reading this now, and can start to incorporate these things with [him]. And I haven’t even mentioned my very strong-willed 5-year-old girl. I have been dreading making her do school because I know it will be a fight, but figuring out her learning style and catering to that will make it so much smoother for both of us. So, thank you again, and I have to go now so I can read more about Alternate Methods for Teaching Math. :)
–Charity from GA

If your students are wiggling, giggling, grabbing, and/or not paying attention, or if they are just not understanding as much as you think they should, order your copy of Taking the Mystery Out of Learning Styles today. Find simple, practical solutions for reaching your students through their learning styles — ideas that work for any age!


  1. I just wanted to let you know that I have enjoyed your blog over the years as I have homeschooled. Even though I won't be homeschooling next year, it is always good to get new ideas to use even in just parenting. I nominated you for the sunshine award on my blog.

  2. Anonymous says

    Does your book cover homeschooling the strong willed child? because I need help with mine- I think part of it might be learning style differences, part might also be some learning disabilities coupled with enough brightness to know she doesn't want to do "baby" work even if that's what she's trying to learn. Do you think your book can help with that?

  3. It's great that you are identifying learning styles now. It will help so much in the long run.

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